Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's All About A Microwave

Okay, most guys are not going to understand my thoughts here....and maybe a lot of women won't either....but, I have to say, "It's all about a microwave". "Huh? A microwave?", you ask. Yes, a microwave.

If you know me at all, you know that organization is not my strong point. I'm a MAJOR "wanna-be", but, as of yet it hasn't happened. The problem with lack of organization is the constant and time consuming search for everything. And since I waste so much time in search for things I am often caught in the game of "catch-up". This means that there are certain parts of my house that forever remain on the "I'll do it later" list. Hence, therefore, ergo....the microwave. That little stinker!! The gunk and junk that seems to decorate the inside of my microwave always show up uninvited! Where does that stuff come from?? Hmmm, I recognize that stuck-on orange splotch as cheese that leaked out from someone's tortilla without a plate. And what's up with the top!!?? All that brown, splattered meaty looking stuff....ugh!! I found out that the longer you leave it, the harder it is to clean off!

When do YOU clean your microwave? MOST of the time, mine is cleaned just prior to company. There are those times, unfortunately, that I'm so busy picking up toys and hiding dirty laundry that I forget to clean the inside of my microwave. It is those times, inevitably, that my mom or mom-in-law visit! Bummer! And, like a magnet, for some odd reason, they have to use my microwave! OOOOHH THE HORROR!! Tragedy!!! I shall never show my face in public again!! Well, maybe it's not that bad, but it really does embarrass me. REALLY! I hate that! My mom's microwave always seems clean!!! Even when I show up for a surprise visit and walk directly to her microwave to catch her in the act of not cleaning it!! (teehee)

Recently and ironically, before our company arrived, I was cleaning the inside of my microwave. The Lord and I were having a chat. "Is my life like this microwave? Is this how You see me? I only clean it when I'm expecting You for a visit?" I don't want all that gunk and junk building up! I desire a clean heart and a pure life that pleases and honors God. I want the blobs of cheese removed before they become such a part of me that I don't see the need to get rid of them. How quickly those splattered, meaty looking sins become stuck on habits. Truly, the longer they stick around, the harder they are to get rid of. But God is so faithful! He loves us so much....even when our microwaves are dirty.... The bottom line is, I should keep my microwave clean...but it doesn't change how my mom feels about me when it's not. God hates sin, no doubt...but does it change who I am to Him? I have no power on my own...even to remove my own sinful "cheese". But when I ask God to forgive me, He gets out the Mr. Clean and removes the gunk like nobody else can! And His Word assures me of who I am to Him. II Peter 2:9 "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, GOD'S VERY OWN POSSESSION. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness (& dirty microwaves) into His wonderful light."

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful analogy, sister. I love u and your microwave!
